Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cloth Diaper Brands

Chinese Prefolds - Cost about $1.00 - 1.50 each
Most like the old style diapers but prefolded and stiched so there are 4 layers of fabric on both sides and 6 layers in the middle. These still need to be folded up to be put on the baby and held together with pins, a snappy, or a diaper cover. These end up being really bulky on the baby but they soak up a lot of pee! They come in bleached and unbleached.

How to fold: www.greenmountaindiapers.com/howto.htm#How

Diapers Covers - Cost about $10.00 each (Thirsties, Bummies, etc.)
Needed for any cloth diaper that does not have a waterproof outer liner. Use with Chinese prefolds.

I prefer the Thirsties as they have an additional gusset as well as elastic on the legs to keep everything contained. They come in cute prints too.

Fitted Diapers/All in Ones - Cost about $14.00 - $20.00. (Motherease, Kushies, Bummies, Imzi Vimzi, BumGenius, etc.)
All in Ones which means everything is sewn together and contoured to fit the baby. Usually you secure these with snaps or velcro. Some of these brands require a cover like Motherease, Bummies and the cotton or hemp products. BumGenius All in Ones (AIOs) have a waterproof exterior so they don't need a wrap. The AIOs usually take a lot longer to dry.

Pocket Diapers - Cost about $14.00 - $22.00. (BumGenius, FuzziBunz, Happy Heiny, Swaddlebees etc.)
These are similar to the Fitted except they have a pocket you stuff with a liner or 2 or 3, however many you think you need for your baby. These are great because you can "custom stuff". And since they are pockets and you can remove the liner, they was easy and dry much faster than the AIOs.

Here is a good question for all you out there. Why can't you just walk down to the drugstore or department store and just buy these things off the shelf? I'm telling you - there is a conspiracy it seems. Don't be fooled! It may take more work in the beginning to get started on cloth but it is soooo worth it!!!

These are just some of the online sites that sell cloth diapers.




This is just a taste of the information you may need to start your cloth diapering journey. Here is a great resource for even more info: www.diaperpin.com included, howtos, product reviews, forums, dictionary and sales.

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