Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Trends for 2008

There seem to be a definite trend emerging for me this year. Forget resolutions. They never work. They just set me up for disappointment. If I accomplish something NOT on my "to do" list then I feel like I've accomplished more than expected - for some reason that feels good. Yeah, I'm a doer and it seems like this year I'm getting a few things done that I've wanted to do for a long time.

So far it's only the 2nd week of January and I've; posted old cell phones on ebay to sell, designed a prototype cloth diaper (didn't work great but it's sure cute), transitioned to cloth diapers (fun AND messy!), made some blankets and outfits for the boys as well as a pair of shoes for Alex, finished sculpting my first realistic baby doll, and made real progress in getting our house and our lives organized. Yeah, I'm obsessive about it. How to do things quicker, easier and more efficiently. Laundry is still a bear but at least I don't dread it like I use to.

My creativity has really peaked. I can't wait to go home and make stuff. We'll see what comes next. I'm hankering to make some outfits. Maybe I'll do a jacket, or purse.

1 comment:

Jenna Belle said...

honestly, i don't believe in new year's resolutions.. i personally feel that if you want to address a change in your life, it shouldn't have to be on a specific day.. so you're good in my book! as long as you continue working towards what you want.. and it sounds like you are..

whatever project you move on to, purse or other creativity, put up pictures.. entrepreneurs are traditionally self-conscious of their own artwork, i've been there