Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cost of Cloth - SAVINGS!

OK - here is an update to my other post on cloth diapering. I guess the savings is even greater than I thought!!! 

Here is the scoop!

Disposable Cost Breakdown
Average 30 cents per diaper x 8 diapers average per day = $875 year (not including tax and gas)
Average 3 years in diapers (my son is almost 5 and he still wears pull ups) = $2600.00

Cloth Diapers (bumGenius!) Breakdown
Average $20 per diaper (best kind out there, One size fits newborn to 35 lbs and this includes tax) x 24 diapers (a good set to have for one child) = $480.00

What About Washing?
Glad you asked - I found on another blog site for cloth diapers that it costs about $1.50 per wash and you'll do about 3 per week or less which calculates to $235 per year x 3 years = $705

Add Cloth Diapers + Washing = $1185 
($2600 - $1185 = $1415 SAVINGS in 3 years!!!!)
That's about a $471 savings per YEAR!!  

Now if you resell your used diapers (you can totally do this on ebay or craigs list) you can still get at least 50% of your money back - that's another $240 savings!  Or use them for siblings. One size fits all so you don't have to buy different sizes.

Aren't Convinced?
Would you buy a cute outfit for your baby for $20? He/she might wear it for 2-4 months MAX! Your baby will wear these diapers for 3+ years!!!  How can you beat that? They can be passed down to your other children for even MORE savings! Or sell them, like you would used clothing. 

Cloth Diaper PROS:
• Less or no leakage. I have yet to have an "overflow" of #2, whereas I it happened all the time with disposables.
• Really Cute! You can let your baby run around in them and it's not like they are in yucky diapers, they are in undies!!
• Less diaper rashes - you change the baby when he/she is wet whereas the disposables disguise the wetness and you leave your child in them longer leading to rashes.
• No harsh chemicals on baby's skin!
• Convenient! No more of a hassle than disposables - I promise!

Environmental Factor
You will be saving the landfill and the environment 8700+ diapers!!  It takes 500 years for a diaper to decompose, and that is in the most optimal conditions; when exposed to sunlight and air. And did you know that it is against the law to dispose of feces in the landfill?  It can contaminate the ground or water with viruses and diseases. Who knew?

I'm gonna sell!  
The site is not live yet but I am working hard 
and it should be live and ready for business very soon!
Check out my website here and watch the birth of Baby Sprout!

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